Soda Machine vs. Canned Seltzer Water: Which Is More Affordable?

Written by Abigail Jolly
June 01, 2024 | Reading time 4 minutes


To answer your question upfront, canned seltzers are more affordable upfront, but sparkling water makers will save you more money in the long run.

If you find yourself continuously running to the store to get canned seltzer water, it's fair to assume that you're questioning perhaps the longevity of these frequent purchases.

It's normal to feel better about spending that smaller dollar purchase for a case of canned seltzer water from the store, but the question is whether you're actually saving money by purchasing canned seltzer water regularly over initially buying a soda machine and making sparkling water from home.

Let's break out the actual math on the soda machine vs. canned seltzer water battle for affordability.

What is the breakdown of SodaStream vs. cans?

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Consumer Price Index informs us that the average price of a 12-ounce can of store-bought soda or sparkling water is 51 cents.

There are more than ten 12-ounce cans of soda in a gallon, and with an average annual consumption of 43 gallons, the average soda consumer consumes 430 12-ounce cans in a year.

So, if you go and do the math, that's 51 cents per can, rounding to about $215/per person, leaving a four-person household spending upwards of $860 annually.

Don't believe us? Check out the math!

  1. $41.98 for 4,057 ounces of CO2 = $0.12 cents per 12 ounces  
  2. Compare that store-bought soda water, which is about $1.00/ 12 ounces  
  3. Canned seltzer water customers can see annual savings of up to $450 after making the switch to owning a soda machine at home.
  4. Taking it a step further, many will have soda makers for years to come. So hypothetically, you could save upwards of $2,250 in 5 years from using a soda maker instead of buying canned seltzers. That's crazy!

The average Soda Sense customer saves BIG when they switch to our Soda Sense CO2 Refill Club.

Why is canned soda so expensive?

sodastream vs cans

Expanding beyond just canned seltzer water, canned soda is also more expensive in the long run as opposed to buying a soda machine.

The reason that canned soda is so expensive is that the cost of aluminum continues to rise. Coco Cola, for example, announced beginning of 2023 that they would continue to increase the price of their canned sodas into the latter part of 2023. 

With the uncertainty of when the spike in costs of canned soda will subside, the wise thing to do both financially and health wise is to purchase a soda maker and make your own healthier soda recipes from home.

Knowing the ingredients you put in your own soda gives you back the control of your health and also your wallet.

Related Read: The truth about PFAs in your beverages

What is the cost of a soda machine?

Owning a soda machine is simple really, the hardest part will be pulling the trigger and clicking purchase.

On average, soda machines on the market can range from $80-$150 depending on style, carbonating abilities, and user abilities. After purchasing your initial machine, the only other cost that needs to be considered is the maintenance of CO2 canister refills.

sodastream vs cans

At Soda Sense, two 60L canisters cost $41.98 and can make about 60L of carbonated water on average, depending on how carbonated you want your water to be.

That’s about 160 12-ounce sodas, which would cost you $80. If you purchase a soda machine for around $100, you practically make up for the cost of the machine compared to buying canned seltzers at the store!

AND you also saved about 160 cans from landfills, bringing the world one step closer to a more sustainable future. 

The difference betweeen Threaded and Easy connect canisters for co2 refill Soda sense's compatability for co2 refill with a variety of soda makers Soda Sense co2 refill available for you in your home Easily exchange your co2 refills at home Learn why Soda Sense co2 refills are more compatible and more convenient than competitors

CO2 Gas

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How the Soda Sense Refill Club can save you money

The Soda Sense CO2 Refill Club is our simple, reliable, earth-friendly cylinder exchange program. There are no late fees or forced return windows. You can simply box, ship, and sip all from the comfort of your home!

But enough about how amazing this program is, let's talk about how it can save you money and time: 

  • Your initial purchase of 2 CO2 canisters is $60. However, if you have CO2 canisters already from another brand, you can skip ahead and start refilling! No use in buying more new canisters if you already own them.
  • Each empty canister costs $20.99 to refill ($41.98 total for 2). Refill boxes and shipping labels are always free!
  • Convenience can really be valued! When you refill with Soda Sense, you never have to worry about bringing your empty canisters to the grocery store every week. You can use your free Refill box and shipping label to exchange your empty canisters on your time, from your couch.

There are no minimums, late fees, or unexpected payments. You control when and how frequently you refill your canisters! You are in control of the bubbles in your life.

Join the Refill Club today

Now that you know it is in fact cheaper to make your own carbonated beverages at home, rather than buying them in a store, it's time to make the switch!

Pull that trigger and start minimizing your canned waste and wallet waste with a sparkling water maker and easier than ever CO2 exchanges.

Overall, this is one of those shopping moments when the impulse to spend more, will save you more!

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