Does Sparkling Water Help with Bloating & Digestion?

Written by Abigail Jolly
December 02, 2024 | Reading time 5 minutes

Does sparkling water make you bloated?

No, sparkling water can actually assist in alleviating bloating for some individuals. The carbonation in sparkling water can help promote burping, which releases trapped gas in the digestive system and may provide relief from the discomfort associated with bloating.

In addition to its potential digestive benefits, many people find sparkling water to be an enjoyable, refreshing beverage and a delightful alternative to sugary sodas.

As more people seek healthier beverage options, understanding the effects of sparkling water on both hydration and overall health becomes increasingly important.

In this article, we will be tackling everything you need to know about sparkling water and gut health, from health benefits to potential risks so you feel confident in your decision of whether sparkling water is good or bad for you and your family.

Does Sparkling Water Help with Bloating & Digestion?

Does sparkling water help with digestion?

Yes, sparkling water can help with digestion.

According to recent scientific studies, sparkling water can be beneficial in managing digestion as the carbonation in sparkling water may help in stimulating digestion. This is due to the improvement of satiety signals which can aid in regulating frequent hunger.

However, it's important to note that for certain people, especially those with specific digestive conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), carbonated beverages can exacerbate bloating symptoms.

As with any dietary choice, it's beneficial to monitor how your body responds and consult with a healthcare professional if you experience persistent discomfort.

does sparkling water help with bloating

Does carbonated water help with gas?

Yes, carbonated water can assist some individuals in managing gas by encouraging burping, which helps relieve the sensation of fullness from trapped air in the stomach. The carbonation in these drinks may gently stimulate the digestive system, potentially facilitating gas release.

Related read: Can You be Allergic to Carbonation?

Benefits of drinking sparkling water

There are many benefits to drinking sparkling water that exceed simply aiding in digestion and bloating.

Some common benefits you may experience from drinking sparkling water are:

Further Read: Is Drinking Sparkling Water Good or Bad For You?

does sparkling water make you bloated

Flavors to enhance digestion & decrease bloating

Adding natural ingredients to sparkling water not only imbues it with delightful flavors but can also enhance its digestive benefits. Here are some ingredients known for aiding digestion and decreasing bloating:

Key flavors:

  • Ginger
  • Mint
  • Lemon
  • Cucumber
  • Fennel
  • Apple cider vinegar


Ginger has long been revered for its gastrointestinal soothing properties. A natural anti-inflammatory, ginger can help relax the intestinal tract, alleviate symptoms of indigestion, and reduce nausea.

When added to sparkling water, this powerful root not only enhances the beverage's flavor profile but also contributes to its overall effectiveness in promoting gut health and reducing bloating.

Whether consumed as a part of your morning routine or sipped throughout the day, ginger-infused sparkling water is an excellent choice for those looking to support their digestive system naturally.

does sparkling water help with bloating


Mint is another herb celebrated for its digestive benefits. It works by relaxing the muscles of the stomach and improving the flow of bile, which the body uses to digest fats. This process can help in reducing symptoms like bloating and indigestion.

Adding fresh mint leaves to sparkling water introduces a refreshing and cooling taste that not only pleases the palate but also significantly contributes to soothing the digestive system.

Mint-infused sparkling water can be a great beverage choice after meals or anytime you're seeking digestive comfort.


Lemon is another popular choice for flavoring sparkling water, thanks not only to its refreshing taste but also to its digestive health benefits.

Rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, lemon can help flush toxins out of the body and improve digestion. Its acidity stimulates the production of hydrochloric acid, which helps break down food more efficiently, reducing the risk of bloating and indigestion.

Regular consumption of lemon-infused sparkling water, especially before or after meals, can aid in maintaining a healthy gut, making it a simple yet effective habit for enhancing your overall health and well-being.

does sparkling water help with bloating


Cucumber is a hydrating vegetable known for its gentle, cooling effect on the body. Infusing sparkling water with cucumber slices not only imparts a subtle, refreshing flavor but also brings its own set of digestive benefits.

Cucumbers are high in water content and fiber, which can help promote hydration and aid in the smooth passage of food through the digestive tract-- making cucumber-infused sparkling water an excellent choice for staying refreshed and supporting digestion, especially during the warmer months or after a heavy meal.


Fennel, with its unique licorice-like flavor, has a long-standing reputation as a digestive aid. Its seeds contain compounds that can help relax the muscles in the gastrointestinal system, thereby reducing gas, bloating, and stomach cramps.

Consuming fennel-infused sparkling water can be particularly beneficial after meals or anytime you experience digestive discomfort, acting as a natural remedy to support gut health and comfort.

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is celebrated for its numerous health benefits, including its ability to help with digestion.

When added to sparkling water, the acetic acid in apple cider vinegar can aid in the digestion process by increasing stomach acidity, which in turn can lead to more efficient digestion of food and reduced instances of bloating and indigestion.

Apple cider vinegar is also known for its probiotic properties, contributing to healthy gut flora.

Note: it’s important to moderate intake to avoid potential acidity to the teeth or stomach.

Related read: Is Drinking Sparkling Water Bad for Your Teeth?

does sparkling water help with bloating


Sparkling water is much more than a fancy alternative to regular water. From aiding in digestion to helping with gas and bloating, this fizzy drink can bring you much-needed relief.

Whether you prefer seltzer, club soda, sparkling mineral water, or tonic water, remember that each has its unique mineral composition and taste. Don't be afraid to experiment and add your favorite flavor enhancers like fruits or essential oils to boost your digestion and further aid symptoms of bloating.

The next time your tummy grumbles, reach out for a glass of sparkling water before you reach for ginger ale. Don't forget to join the Soda Sense Refill Club to fill all your Soda Maker CO2 needs.

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